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Maternity Reflexology

2019 -  completed advanced techniques in Pregnancy & Post-Natal Reflexology course with Sally Earlam.


This course has given me the skills, knowledge and confidence to treat pregnant women safely. 


Reflexology is a wonderful support throughout your pregnancy both physically and mentally promoting your overall wellbeing. Treatment can be given throughout pregnancy but some women may prefer to wait for the second trimester.


Regular reflexology can help to alleviate physical and hormonal symptoms of the many changes that happen to your body during pregnancy such as morning sickness, back ache, constipation, itching, oedema, heartburn or anxiety or even prevent discomfort arising by gently rebalancing the body through deep relaxation and restore the body’s equilibrium.


Research has shown that regular reflexology treatments during pregnancy can shorten the duration of labour, with many women requiring less pain-relief.*


Many women are now choosing to have reflexology throughout their pregnancy and postnatally as it can offer many benefits such as aiding relaxation, reducing anxiety, generally de-stressing and improving sleep during this very special time.




Valiani M et al. (2010) Reviewing the effect of Reflexology on pain and outcomes of the labour of primiparous women. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research. 15 (Dec) p302-310

 Iran Red Crescent Med J 2011; 13(7):475-479 ©Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal


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